

01/06/2010 8.15 Point Lonsdale

Wind: Light Winds

Tide: 0.32 low tide at the Heads

Conditions: First day of winter. Still morning.

Bottom Type: Rockpools

Bottom Time: 90 minutes

Details: The rockpools are back on! Nudi’s everywhere. The weed is still looking very miserable, but i counted at least 10 species this morning, and there was little searching time between finds. Lots of subbies around (sub-10mm nudi’s)

Camera Details: Canon 100mm , single SS200 strobe.

Dive Report: Some people can find nudibranchs from land by peering into the water. I’ve never been one of those people, but this morning, just before i got into the water i saw a large pink form. I turned out to be a large, strange , colorful blob called a Lamellarian.. (thanks for the ID Trev!) So that made for my first photo:

Then came the nudibranchs – Hermea Sp:

Hermea Sp bungee jumping off the kelp:

Elysia Maori:

Digidentis Perplexa:

Pretty sure this is Trinchesia Viridiana..tiny little suckers.

Another tiny nudi Trinchesia Sp:

I’m not sure if this one is Ancula mapae or Okenia sp:

Around the rock shelves i found this Digidentis Perplexa..a slightly different looking version of the ones usually in the rockpools:

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