

29/08/2010 9.00 Point Lonsdale

Wind: ??????

Tide: 0.49 low tide at the Heads

Conditions: The water clarity was atrocious. The sediments were very dilluted in the water making it very opaque. The worst i’ve seen it in the rockpools.

Bottom Type: Rockpools

Bottom Time: 60 minutes

Details: Despite the poor water clarity, the diversity and numbers of nudi’s were fantastic. I saw at least 15 species and their were multiples of many species. Also saw a strange polyceate worm.

Camera Details: Canon 100mm , single SS200 strobe.

Dive Report: The best snorkel i’ve done at the rockpools in the last 6 months. The weed has recovered and lost of nudi’s feasting on the brown algae. Very grooty water though.

Doto sp.:

Chromodoris alternata:

Ceratosoma amoenum:

Facelina sp.:

Digidentis perplexa:

Eubranchus sp.:

Facelina sp.:

Tritonia Sp:

Polychaete Worm – Nereididae family

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