

02/02/2011 18.30 Pt Lonsdale

Tide: 0.5hr after 0.34 low tide at heads

Wind: Southerly???

Conditions: I was suprised to see that the water was nearly spilling into the pools when i arrived, despite fairly low swell. Water was of good clarity though. I ended up getting a good hour in as the water seemed to subside without innundating.

Bottom Type: rockpools

Bottom Time: 60 minutes

Details: I just got a wet diopter so i wanted to give it a try. Again it was a quiet evening for nudi’s…they just dont seem to like an evening feed lately. I think i saw maybe 3 or 4 species. One was a species i hadn’t seen before, but not all that impressive. I went for a snorkel outside the pools and there were alot of larger fish around, and some smaller gobies, weedfish, baitfish etc.  I didn’t expect to see an oil rig when i got out..a surreal experience…it was being shipped out through the heads after repairs.

Camera Details: Canon 100mm , single SS200 strobe + Woody Dioptre.

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