

Dive Number: 287 01/04/12 15.30, Lake Eildon – Dam Wall
Wind: ???

Tide: ???


Visibilty: 8m

Water Temp: 19.2c

Bottom Time: 61minutes

Max Depth: 11.2m

Air usage: 170bar/2500psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: This dive site took a bit more getting to than the boat ramp. We parked in the top carpark, and walked up the road and over the metal railing to get to a steel staircase down the cliff face to the edge of the large rock dam wall. This was a great site with lots of upright trees along the more natural section of wall, and then as we past the artificial wall, the area was scattered with lots of fallen trees and scattered boulders. A very evocative dive.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , SS200 Strobes
