

Dive Number: 535 28/12/2013 Dales Arch, Point Addis Marine Park


Visibilty: 15m

Water Temp: ??c

Bottom Time: 40minutes

Max Depth: 18m

Details: Conditions were so good i had to head back to the boat to convince Soph to come for a dive and check out the arch. A unique purple algae was common at this site.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm 2 X YS-D1 Strobes




Dive Number: 534 28/12/2013 Dales Arch, Point Addis Marine Park


Visibilty: 15m

Water Temp: ??c

Bottom Time: 40minutes

Max Depth: 18m

Details: Based off some of the Lidar scans that Parks Vic had produced of the Point Addis Marine Park, i picked out an interesting looking area and sounded around. The results was a great little site sitting in about 16-18m and rising to 5m. The large bommie was covered in lush kelp and the water clarity and sunny conditions really set off the colours of the kelp. The bommie was teaming with reef fish together with crays, blue devils, rainbow cale and all the common local species. The biggest feature of the site is a big archway which joins the east and west bommies. This was just such an easy and beautiful dive in ideal conditions.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm 2 X YS-D1 Strobes




Dive Number: 518 27/11/2013 Tunnel Reef, Point Addis Marine Reserve, Anglesea


Visibilty: 8m

Water Temp: ??c

Bottom Time: 45minutes

Max Depth: 20m

Details: Despite a great dive off Ingoldsby reef earlier in the day, i really want to sound out some deeper sites. One area looked great on the sounder sitting in about 20m and coming up to 14-15m. I wasn’t disappointed with this site, with lots of swim throughs and overhangs, and some great sponge life.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm 2 X YS-D1 Strobes




Dive Number: 517 27/11/2013 Ingoldsby Reef, Point Addis Marine Reserve, Anglesea


Visibilty: 8m

Water Temp: ??c

Bottom Time: 50minutes

Max Depth: 10m

Details: I’ve been itching to get back to the Point Addis Marine Reserve…its got so much potential. The first dive was on the outer edge of Ingoldsby Reef. A lush shallow reef system that has a great diversity of algae. I encountered a crayfish just wandering around unprotected along the ground…only in a marine reserve! Towards the end of the dive i came across a piece of wreckage, presumably off the Inverlochy, although that is suppose to be on the shoreward side of the reef.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm 2 X YS-D1 Strobes




Dive Number: 497 14/09/2013 The Olives, Anglesea

Conditions: ?

Visibilty: 8m

Water Temp: ??c

Bottom Time: 30minutes

Max Depth: 9m

Details: After the shocking vis out at the 20m mark after the first dive we debated about whether to do a second dive. It seemed a waste not to and we did a shallow dive off The Olives (part of the Point Addis Marine National Park). The Olives reef is about 1km or so offshore but it comes right up to the surface. This was a really cool dive, the vis was much better here and the reef was honeycombed out forming lots of caves and swimthroughs. It was a short dive due to the lack of air, but I really want to get back to dive this place.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm 2 X YS-D1 Strobes




Dive Number: 496 14/09/2013 Point Addis

Conditions: ?

Visibilty: 1m

Water Temp: ??c

Bottom Time: 40minutes

Max Depth: 20m

Details: We launched the inflatable from Point Roadknight and headed out towards the Point Addis Marine National Park to see what sounded up. We could find anything that interesting out deep, but just decided to jump in to see what was around. The visibility was terrible! Why, I have no idea, but it was near black at 20m and a but scary. After poking around we started to ascend, only to be swooped by a Seal on the safety stop. Chris did a little wee in the drysuit…

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm 2 X YS-D1 Strobes
