

Dive Number: 172  24/07/11  12.20,  The Springs,  Pt Lonsdale

 Wind:   15knot north/north-easterlies

Tide:  1hr after 0.68 low tide at the Heads

Conditions:  Cold, overcast with drizzle. flat sea with nice vis and no surge.

Visibilty:   8-10m.

Water Temp: 12c

Bottom Time: 62minutes

Max Depth: 4.4m

Air usage: 70bar/1000psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details:   I was going to dive Barwon Bluff again, but the small swell  put me off, so i headed to the Springs.  I only had 70bar left in my tank, so it was the perfect shallow site  to use up my air. I’d just created an optical cord out of a toslink cable for my sea and sea ys120 strobe, so this was really just a test to see how it balances with a SS200. I’d have to say the answer is not very well. For shallow wideangle, the more juice you have the better, and the ys120 just didn’t cut it with the ss200.  Anyway, it proved i didn’t need a lot of juice for my first subject which was a bright yellow nudi (crystaderm neodoris) that i spotted from the surface. I dont think i’ve ever seen a nudi at the springs…even a short tailed brevi, so this was a bit of suprise..especially in winter.  I had to make do with some CFWA shots, but it proved difficult. Apart from that, lots of wrasse, a few stars but thats about it. A nice dive with nice vis though…

Camera Details:  Tokina  10-17mm , sSS200 strobe/Ys-120

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