

Dive Number: 109 24/11/10 18.39 The Springs

Wind:  10knot N’s???

Tide:   2 hour before 0.19 low tide at the heads

Conditions:  Very dark conditions with a bit of surge and current.

Visibilty: 5m.

Water Temp: 17c

Bottom Time: 52 minutes

Max Depth: 4.8m

Air usage: 140bar/2000psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details:  This was a big contrast to the last dive at the Springs. Barely any fish around, surgey and a bit of current…it was also very dark in the water.  
I did find some nice big ledges and a big cray under one of them.  I ended up just shooting some of the brown algea outcrops.

Camera Details: Canon 17-40mm , dual SS200 strobes

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