

Dive Number: 148 13/03/11  13.27, The Springs

Wind:   15 knot S’s

Tide:  1.5hours after 0.24 low tide at the heads.

Conditions:   Again the winds had swung around from northerlies to southerlies, and storm clouds threatened.  The surface looked fine, but i could feel the southerlies kicking in and new that the swell would start picking up.  Vis started out ok, but continually degraded with the weather. It was pretty damn stormy at the end of the dive, with heavy rain and sweeping winds pushing me up the coast.

Visibilty: 7m down to 4m

Water Temp: 19c

Bottom Time: 88minutes

Max Depth: 6.0m

Air usage: 140bar/2000psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details:   I knew i was too late to get good conditions, but gave it a try anyway. I usually dont like diving lonsdale bight after the low tide, as vis and current seem to degrade. Anyway, headed out and just sat with some fish, as it stormed up the fish activity got greater and greater, and zebra fish seemed to be everywhere. Even spotted some silver drummers. I found some really nice overhang areas out the back, and sheltered in those as the sea started to get nasty. It was bucketing down by the end of the dive and it gave my gear a good wash ; )   

Camera Details: Canon 17-40mm , dual SS200 strobes

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