

Dive Number: 74 08/08/2010 15.56 The Springs

Wind: 20 knot N.

Tide: 1.5hr after 0.93 low tide at the Heads

Conditions: Nice and sunny conditions.Incoming tide with small breakers on the shoreline, but generally pretty flat. The usual ‘springs’ surge in the water.

Bottom Type: Rocky reef ledges over sand.

Visibilty: 4-5m

Water Temp: 12c

Bottom Time: 63 minutes

Max Depth: 5.6m

Air usage: 85bar/1250psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: It was blowing strong northerlies all day, but generally a nice day. I dived late in the day and thought i’d give The Springs a try for something a bit different.

Camera Details: Canon 17-40mm , single SS200 strobe

Dive Report: I’m always a little unsure were to go at the Springs and this time i head out to the east of the boatramp, about 200 metres out. I came across a reef area in about 4-5 metres that stood about 3 metres tall, with lots of overhangs and big sand patches. Under the legdes were some gorgonians, horshoe leatherjackets, moonlighters, lots of zebrafish around and the occassional curios blue-throated wrasse. I spent most of my time with a blue throated wrasse and it approached closely and followed me everywhere i went. I thought i got better photo than i did, but i had to pump up the ISO and it was generally too milky and dark to get any nice backgrounds. The surface looked nice when i first got in, but it quickly got dark and i couldn’t frame any fish with the surface in the background.

A seapen under the ledges:

A friendly Blue-throated Wrasse:

A small Horseshoe Leatherjacket:

Yellow-striped Leatherjacket under the ledges:

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