Dive Number: 169 09/07/11 12.42, St Leonards Pier
Wind: 25 – 30knot Westerlies
Tide: 2hrs before 0.44 low tide at Geelong
Conditions: Cold windy day, but as St Leonards is protected from the strong westerlies, the water was fairly calm. Vis was average, and it was freakin cold in the water.
Visibilty: 6m
Water Temp: 10c
Bottom Time: 51minutes
Max Depth: 3.8m
Air usage: 70bar/1000psi
SAC: ???? litres/min
Details: The strong westerlies gave me two options; Ozone or St Leonards. I opted for St Leonards as it was mainly a dive to try to see if my YS120 strobe was going to work as a slave when strobes where positioned for wide angle. The answer came out a NO, and i’m now going to have to make up an optical cord to get this strobe to fire reliably. On entry, it was almost like i wasn’t wearing a wetsuit at all, my legs froze instantly in the numbing 10c waters. I’ve decided this is way too cold to be diving in a 6mm wetsuit, and i’m going to pull out the old clunky uncompressed neoprene drysuit for my next dive in the bay. Not a lot of marine life around, but the sponge growth was looking healthy. Some pygmy squid and dumpling squid made an appearance in the shallows when i exited.
Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , single SS200 strobes.
Dive Report: