Dive Number: 35 08/05/2010 10.14 St Leonards Pier
Wind: ??????
Tide: 45mins after 0.85 high tide at Geelong
Conditions: Pretty aweful from memory…i’ve got to get use to writing these things down straight away!
Bottom Type: Pier pylons on sand base.
Visibilty: 1-2m
Water Temp: 16c
Bottom Time: 92 minutes
Max Depth: 3.9m
Air usage: 120bar/1800psi
SAC: 12.5 litres/min
Details: From memory this was a shocker of a day with waves lapping at the shore stirring up the sand. I put my macro lens on and had to do close ups only.
Camera Details: Canon 100mm , dual SS200 strobe.
Dive Report:
A blenny sitting on the pylon sponge:
Spotted Stingaree eye: