

Dive Number: 159  15/05/11  11.27, St Leonards Pier

Wind:   10-15knot Westerlies

Tide:  2hrs after 0.94 high tide  at Geelong

Conditions:   Overcast but a sheltered site in westerlies meant the water was nice and calm. Nice vis too.

Visibilty:   8m

Water Temp: 13c   – and no gloves!

Bottom Time: 58minutes

Max Depth: 3.7m

Air usage: 105bar/1500psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details:    Damn the waters got cold quickly! 13c felt like 6c!  At least there were a few good critters around. A baby Cuttlefish came to play and a Stargazer sat out in the open, totally above the sand.  He took off when i approached though so no photos. : (        

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , dual SS200 strobes

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