Dive Number: 112 12/12/10 12.18 St Leonards Pier
Wind: 15-20knot W’s
Tide: 3 hours before 0.35 low tide at Geelong
Conditions: The water was cloudy and green…rainy, often overcast..the only plus..no current.
Visibilty: 3m
Water Temp: 18c
Bottom Time: 66 minutes
Max Depth: 3.9m
Air usage: 60bar/900psi
SAC: ???? litres/min
Details: Its been a week since my last dive…too long. So i had to get in a dive and St leonards was the obvious option. I wasn’t execting much with strong variable winds and high rainfall over the week wreaking havoc on the bay. Highlights were big schools of goatfish feeding on the bottom, and the Verco’s Tambja’s have arrived back for summer.
Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , dual SS200 strobes
Dive Report: