

Dive Number: 328 14/07/12 15.41, Marengo Apollo Bay

Wind: ???

Tide: ???

Conditions: Flat conditions

Visibilty: 10m

Water Temp: 13.2c

Bottom Time: 56minutes

Max Depth: 6.6m

Air usage:

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: Another flat winters day and plenty of sightings being posted of whales along the coast. I headed down past Lorne scouring the coast with binoculars and eventually saw two Southern Right Whales just near Artillery Rocks. They were heading west, and a little way off shore, so i checked the maps and decided to head to Point Sturt off Wye River, as i thought this would be a vantage point they would pass close to. I made a good choice…the two whales coming from the west, met with one whale coming from the east and met up about 60m off Point Sturt. They stayed there for about 1 hour and commanded a large crowd of tourists and locals alike.

After an amazing whale encounter i still felt like a dive, and headed down to Marengo for a quick dip. The shallows were very photogenic, but aprt from a school of zebra fish there was little fish life around.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , SS200 Strobes
