

Dive Number: 278 18/03/12 13.15, Friendly Bommie

Wind: ???

Tide: ???


Visibilty: 8m

Water Temp: 18c

Bottom Time: 83minutes

Max Depth: 8.4m

Air usage: 170bar/2500psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: Well, friendly bommie never gives up its secrets easily, but i got lucky on this dive and came across it nice and early in the dive. I cant get enough of the swim throughs at this site, and it had some wonderful soft corals on the outer rock too. The swaying ‘roof’ kelp coverage revealed a ‘pencil’ kelp critter that i’ve never seen before. It was small and i had the fisheye on, so not great photos, but good enough to identify it hopefully.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , SS400/SS200 Strobes
