

Dive Number: 212 07/11/11 11.01, Barwon Bluff – 2nd Stairs

Wind: 10knot northerly turning westerly

Tide: ???

Conditions: Wind and swell picking up. Surgey with dropping vis.

Visibilty: 6-8m

Water Temp: 16.0c

Bottom Time: 52minutes

Max Depth: 4.1m

Air usage: 170bar/2500psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: The swell was picking up around the bluff, and we met up with Scott at the carpark, who was keen to do some freediving in the kelp gardens. We headed west along the beach and swum out over the limestone shorline reef, out towards scattered bommies thick with bull kelp. The swell and surge were really starting to pickup, so we ended the dive before it got too nasty.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , SS400/SS200 Strobes
