

Dive Number: 231 19/12/11 7.35, Barwon Bluff

Wind: ???

Tide: ???


Visibilty: ???

Water Temp: 16.8c

Bottom Time: 93minutes

Max Depth: 5.3m

Air usage: 170bar/2500psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: Barwon Bluff is world class when it comes to kelp gardens. The bull kelp and cray weed dwarves you, and you feel like Alice through the Scuba Mask. This was a dive to poke around the Earl of Charlemont wreck again, but its goooorn….reburied under 2-3m of sand. Incredible! I actually felt the sand gathering in a thermocline on my last dive at Collendina. A 1-2m of warm water thick with sand sat above the clear cool water below. I’m not sure where it came from, but i’m sure its responsible for occulting the mysteries of the charlemont once again.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , SS400/SS200 Strobes
