

Dive Number: 84 22/09/2010 08.23 Curlewis (Boat Dive)

Wind: 10 knot W.

Tide: 0.35  low tide at Geelong

Conditions:  Overcast and wet but stable conditions.

Bottom Type: Sandy base scattered with ascidian clumps.

Visibilty: 8m

Water Temp: 12c

Bottom Time: 58 minutes

Max Depth: 2.7m

Air usage: 80bar/1200psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details:  Trevor had recently found a good spot for the  hydriod “Labatoria Newtoni”, and wanted to show Jan (hydriod expert) the area to collect some samples for analysis.  They invited me along on the  boat, so i grabbed the macro lens and spent some time with these ‘flowers of the sea’.  

Camera Details: Canon 100mm , single SS200 strobe and snoot.

Dive Report: I tried some photoshop on some of these shots. Some techniques i use to use on macro flower shots.

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