

Dive Number: 559 02/03/2014 Montague Island

Conditions: Perfect

Visibilty: 25m

Water Temp: ??c

Bottom Time: 60minutes

Max Depth: 20m

Details: We struck it lucky with the weather and headed out to Montague Island. The infamous Narooma Bar just wasn’t living up to its name today and it was smooth sailing out to the island. We geared up and into the water and into about 18m. Immediately a number of big smooth rays came to check us out, together with a few Port Jackson Sharks that were equally inquisitive. As we worked up to shallower water the seals began to join in the show coming in for close looks and a bit of a play, (if they could get much out of the tank-laden scuba divers.) The diving was action packed! So much big animal encounters, and some others saw Grey-nurse sharks in a deeper gully. Great dive! (starting to get sick of Blue-groupers now ;)

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm 2 X YS-D1 Strobes
