

Dive Number: 184  14/08/11  12.53,  Moon Ledge  Hervey Bay

Wind:   10 north-easterlies???

Tide:  ???


Visibilty:   3m.

Water Temp: 18c

Bottom Time: 52minutes

Max Depth: 18.3m

Air usage: 200bar/3000psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details:  This was the first dive of my AOW course. It was suppose to be a drift dive, but there was no current! This was probably the most bizaar dive i’d ever done..the 3m vis made it very eerie, but the wall was made of a material called coffee rock which crumbles when you touch it. It formed a long wall with lots of overhangs and big boulders sitting on the slope. There were some good critters around, but the vis really didn’t make it very inspirational.

Camera Details:  First dive ever without a camera

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