

Dive Number: 82 12/09/2010 13.47 Byron Bay – Julians Rocks – Cod Hole

Wind: ????

Tide: 1hr after 2.26 high tide at Ballina

Conditions: Another fine day for diving…10-15knot winds but generally a nice day.

Bottom Type: Julians rocks is a large volcanic bommie rising out of the ocean about 2km from byron bay. As it drops off into the ocean theres a number of caves and and gullies formed. The cod hole is a cave teaming with fish, and the gullies deeper down are patrolled by Grey Nurse Sharks.

Visibilty: 10m

Water Temp: 19c

Bottom Time: 53minutes

Max Depth: 20.4m

Air usage: 170bar/2500psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: This second dive made me realise how a good guide/group/buddy can really make or break a dive. The guide on this dive seemed to have control issues and wanted everything done his way. To make matters worse we seemed to be swimming mid-water everywhere and into the current, which was making me very tired and not enjoy the dive as much as i should of. We still had some good Grey Nurse encounters, but it all seemed a bit rushed.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , single SS200 strobe

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