

Dive Number: 40 22/05/2010 12.15 Shortlands Bluff

Wind: 5 knot SE’s

Tide: 1hr after 0.46 low tide at the heads

Conditions: Great day for diving, sunny, light winds and smooth bay.

Bottom Type: Scattered reef heavily effected by the waters entering the rip, leaving sand dune and weed build up’ amongst the reef bommies. Not a lot of overhangs.

Visibilty: 5m

Water Temp: 14c

Bottom Time: 67 minutes

Max Depth: 7.4m

Air usage: 125bar/1800psi

SAC: 16.2 litres/min

Details: This dive was ran by the Baycity Scuba club. I’d always wanted to check out Shortlands Bluff, so this was a good opportunity. I somehow managed to break the zip to my wetsuit while putting it on, so the dive was a bit chillier than it should have been. A great dive though with interesting terrain and a few weedy seadragons. Fish life wasn’t all that prolific, but definently worth a dive. Thanks to Bay City Dive Club for having me along, and to Warren for posing for some photos.

Camera Details: Canon 17-40mm , single SS200 strobe.

Dive Report: We headed out in an East/North Easterly direction and scoured the sand for bottles, hoping for some of the older torpedo bottles. Not a lot around apart from an old broken telephone or electricity conductor. The area seems flooded with sand layered a good couple of metres deep, so it would be a interesting dive after some big storms. Lotsa loose floating weed around too.

Weedy Seadragons were some of the most conspcious critters on the dive, with very little fish life around. This one we found under the first major ledge we came across:

Here’s Warren getting in for a closer look (pose):

Continuing further north we found some nice little holes and and swimthroughs…nothing major though..again..possibly better after a big storm.

The water was pretty cloudy, but i wouldn’t call it bad vis. This photo looked a bit better in B&W:

Another one of warren interacting with a weedy seadragon;

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