Dive Number: 135 13/02/11 13.01 , Steeles Rocks, Portarlington
Wind: 15knot S’s
Tide: 4hrs before 0.16 low tide at Geelong.
Conditions: Similar to yesterday with southerlies keeping the water still, but vis wasn’t as good.
Visibilty: 5m
Water Temp: 20c
Bottom Time: 44 minutes
Max Depth: 3.6m
Air usage: 35bar/500psi
SAC: ???? litres/min
Details: I had two tanks, both with 500psi (35bar). It just seemed like a waste to fill them, so i tried to squeeze a dive each out of them. So back to Steeles Rocks with the fisheye for a tank waster dive.
Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , dual SS200 strobes.
Dive Report: