Dive Number: 107 22/11/10 18.50 Pt Lonsdale Pier
Wind: 10knot N’s
Tide: .29 low tide at the heads
Conditions: Surge and current…pretty ordinary (and dangerous) diving conditions.
Visibilty: 2-3m.
Water Temp: 18c
Bottom Time: 62 minutes
Max Depth: 3.0m
Air usage: 70bar/1000psi
SAC: ???? litres/min
Details: I was determined to find myself a catshark, so dove around the pier again, and towards the rock shelf. The area was very surgey and it was hard to keep in one place for long. I finally came across a catshark, but wit the surge pushing the weed continuously over it, it made it hard to get a focus, and strobes positions so no weed was covering the subject and/or strobes. I got a couple of shots i’ll have to make do with but they really aren’t worth posting. A very cool critter though. After succumbing to the fact that i wasn’t going to be able to photograph the catshark to my satisfaction, i scoured the rest of the area, finding some gorgonians under a ledge in less than a metre of water…a bit of a suprise. I then moved to the rockpools and did some under-over shots.
Camera Details: Canon 17-40mm , dual SS200 strobes
Dive Report: