

Dive Number: 63 16/07/2010 16.00 Edithburgh Jetty

Wind: 10-15 knot NE’s

Tide: 2.5hr beforee 2.09 high tide at Port Giles

Conditions: The wind had swung around to NE which blew up the bay a bit, but it was still very diveable. It was raining most of the day a glum overcast conditions.

Bottom Type: Sandy bottom scattered with old wooden jetty pylons covered in sponges. Pylons themselves were also heavily covered in ascidians, sponge and marine life.

Visibilty: 6m

Water Temp: 13c

Bottom Time: 73 minutes

Max Depth: 5.2m

Air usage: 70bar/1000psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: Things move slowly in Edithburgh. I needed a tank fill and thank god there is at least one in Edithburgh..the the only one on the Yorke…and they give nice deep fills too. But you have to wait for them. So in the meantime we drove to check out the massive wind farm they have near by. By 4pm, it was fairly dark so i still didn’t get a nice brightly lit look at edithburgh, but it was a nice dive still.

Camera Details: Canon 17-40mm , single SS200 strobe

Dive Report: This dive was all about the pylons. Here’s some of the colours of the jetty.

Spider crabs everywhere!

Theres not a lot of fishlife around, but at the end of the pier you get a few schools. Here’s a Moonlighter:

A Wavy Grubfish..a species we dont get in victoria as far as i know.

A Nudibranch – Ceratasoma Brevicardum – in a bunch of ascidians.

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